Kettlebell UpperBody Focus HIIT Workout

Kettlebell HIIT Workout

Workout is split into two sections

The focus of this workout is on your upperbody and core.

All you need is a single kettlebell.

Details and exercise video demonstration below.

1. 3 rounds – 30s work — 15s rest

  • Swing
  • Plank Walkout
  • Swing
  • Pushup
Video Demo From 1LIFE1YOU Fitness Training App

2. 4 rounds – 30s work — 15s rest

  • High to Low Swings
  • Overhead Tricep Extension
  • Swing to Clean to Press
  • Curl to Halo
Video Demo From 1LIFE1YOU Fitness Training App

NOTE: For Kettlebell Swing, Clean, Press: alternate sides each round

All you need is one kettlebell. Total workout time is 21 minutes.

3 High Calorie Burning Exercises That’s Not Running

Before we start, these numbers are not exact across the board. When exercises, the number of calories you burn depends on a lot of factors:

  • Pace / Speed
  • Intensity
  • Your Weight & Height
  • Duration of Exercise

Everyone is different, and the amount of calories you burn is very individualized. So, I will be talking about averages and estimates.

Lets get into running. An 150lb person, (we’ll call him Tony S.), running a 10min/mile pace will burn between 600-700 calories in an hour. Which, is A LOT! But, not everyone is a runner. Some can’t, for physical reasons. Some, just don’t want to. Also, understandable!

Let’s get into some high calorie burning, not running, alternatives. (The above factors still play a role in the amount of calories you’ll burn)


Tony can burn around 400 calories swimming at a moderate pace, and upwards of 700+ calories swimming at a higher intensity.

The numbers are high because swimming does require your full body to move and work. And swimming is a great option if your body can’t take on running.

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2. Jumping Rope

Grabbing a jumprope, and doing an hour of steady jumping, Tony will burn 700-800 calories.

While swimming is lower impact, jumping rope is a more high impact exercise. It stresses your joints, muscles, bones. Because, think about it… you’re jumping in the air quickly and repeatedly.

Stretching, doing other exercises to strengthen your body, and listening to your body, are all important when adding longer jumprope sessions to your training.

But, if you go at it smartly, jumping rope is a GREAT, high calorie burning, exercise.

3. Rowing

If Tony hops on Rowing Machine, he’ll burn around 500-600 calories in an hour.

This one has all the factors involved. Not just your own height and weight, but your intensity plays a factor, and your rowing machine resistance setting plays a major role in the amount of calories you’ll burn.

Rowing is a great, low impact, exercise to try to burn a ton of calories. Working just about your whole body.

That’s 3 exercises to try to burn a lot of calories, without running.

Question: what is your favorite form of CARDIO??

Legs and Glutes Bodyweight HIIT Workout 03

No equipment needed

We are focusing on our legs & Glutes with some cardio mixed in.

4 Rounds
30s work / 15s rest


Side to Side Shuffle: Start on one side, shuffle over about 2-3 steps. Touch the ground, then shuffle back to the start, and touch the ground

Burpees: Go down into a high plank. Lower yourself down to the ground. Back to high plank, jump in, stand up, jump. Repeat…

Squat Jumps: Feet about shoulder width apart. Squat down. Then power yourself into a vertical jump. Land standing, then back into a squat. (Squat to Calf Raise if jumping to too much)

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Split Leg Lunge (R): Legs split, feet staggered slightly off center. Right leg out front. Bend back leg down, and front leg to a 90 degree bend. Back up and repeat.

Split Leg Lunge (L): Legs split, feet staggered slightly off center. Left leg out front. Bend back leg down, and front leg to a 90 degree bend. Back up and repeat.

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